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To-Ron 刀論, The NCJSC Digital Newsletter

As of April 2021, To-Ron is only published digitally, on a monthly basis, by the NCJSC for its members. A printed copy will no longer sent to members.

Partial indices, covering pre 2001 NCJSC newsletters,  appear below. Several specialized indexes are also available. All are "works in progress".

bulletIndex of all Newsletters, 1977 to 2000
bulletIndex of issues containing installments of:
bulletNTHK Novice Course
bulletNewsletter Inserts, high quality glossy prints
bulletSample Newsletter Articles (Reformatted)
bulletBizen Osafune Nagayoshi,The Soden school of Chogi, by Richard Mantegani
bulletA Tanto, by Keith Nobuhira Austin
bulletBizen Osafune Motoshige
bulletBizen Osafune Hikobei Tadamitsu (Shodai)
bulletGoto Teijo Kogai/Kozuka
bulletMito-Koromono by Sonobe Yoshitsugu

Note: The above sample articles have been edited for use on this website. They have been reformatted, and may not be complete. The original graphics may have been substituted or replaced.


Downloadable Sample Newsletters

February 2006 (pdf)
December 2006 (pdf)
September 2010 (pdf)
July 2011 (pdf)

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